Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Cyberpunk City and the blog status...

Formulating the metrics I'll use for the blog reviews are turning out to be a bit more complex than I had previously anticipated.  Saying something is "Cyberpunk" is easy, but providing some kind of metric as a base is a bit more challenging.  Still, I've been working on it, with the goal of establishing the Cyberpunk Uplink as a compendium of Cyberpunk works.  

To reach this "lofty" goal, I continue to "dig" around with associated sites that attempt to describe "Cyberpunk".  Found a good descriptive narrative by Geek.com, titled "The Geeksplainer: Cyberpunk", which provides a good, if brief overview.  Do head over for a view, and I'll catch you on the flip side!

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