Saturday, March 9, 2019

Cyberpunk Interlude: Blade Runner Blaster & Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Ambient Mix

First, a great photo of the original Blade Runner Blaster prop by Mr. Mark Raats.  The link has additional information about it, so do consider a brief visit to learn more about it.

Additionally, while I whittle away at blog entries and fiddle with Second Life, I'll pop on some "cyberpunk" music, which usually involves soundtracks from cyberpunk works.  One of my favorites is the body of music from the Deus Ex: Mankind Divided computer game.  Looking forward to playing it, but the music (and screen shots of the game) are amazing.  The "Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Ambient mix" (below) is one of my favorites, but there are plenty Deus Ex music works available on You Tube - just search for them... and enjoy!

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